Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I just finished The Bleeding Heart! This is book six in my werewolf hunter series and I am thrilled! Of course, I'll hold onto it along with book five for a bit longer before submitting them to my publisher. But I'm so excited to have completed it in only three weeks:)

So much happens in this part of the series. How I finished it in three weeks is nothing short of an act of God. The story moves so fast in this edition, especially in Lilith's personal life that it will make your head spin. At least it did mine. LOL

I'm gonna go re-read the ending and maybe treat myself to a glass of wine:)


Anonymous said...


You are to be commended in your dedication to your craft.

I can't wait for books 4, 5 and 6.

Marco or Bade or both?



Tracey H. Kitts said...

Thanks, Mona:) Yes, that's one of the choices I've been wrestling with. Ooo, that's a lovely image. LOL

Speaking of lovely images, don't forget about Dracula ....